
OpenBionics Links

OpenBionics GitHub Repository (Repository containing all files required for the replication of our hands).
OpenBionics Page
OpenBionics YouTube Channel
OpenBionics Facebook Page
OpenBionics Twitter

Other interesting links

The following links present a series of interesting open-source projects, communities and initiatives:

Yale Open Hand Project (Customizable, 3D-printed, adaptive robotic hand – Grab Lab, Yale University).
Open Robot Hardware (Open-Source mechanical and electrical hardware for robotic systems).
Natural Machine Motion Initiative (NMMI) (A place to meet, discuss and share ideas of Soft Robotics, to understand and build robots that move like you).
HandCorpus (An open access repository for sharing and retrieving human and robot hand data.)
PneuFlex Actuators (Pneumatically actuated, compliant robotic hands – TU Berlin).
SoftRoboticsToolkit (Harvard University and Trinity College Dublin).
Takktile (Inexpensive, sensitive tactile sensors based on MEMS barometers – Harvard University).

Selected Press

December, 2015 | STEM JOBS Magazine | Minas Liarokapis gave an interview regarding OpenBionics.

October 5, 2015 | Hackaday ( article:
10 finalist projects prove we can save the world

September 23, 2015 | 3D Print ( article:
OpenBionics Affordable Bionic Hand is Selected as a Hackaday Prize Semifinalist

September 20, 2015| Hackaday ( article:
Hackaday Prize Semfinalist: OpenBionics Affordable Prosthetic Hands

June 17, 2015| Hackaday ( article:
Hackaday Prize entry: OpenBionics

April 9, 2015 | RoboHub ( article:
OpenBionics prosthetic hands: Open source, affordable, lightweight, anthropomorphic

April 3, 2015 | Hackaday ( article:
Hackaday – Prosthetics Projects

March 18, 2015 | 3D Print ( article:
OpenBionics’ Open Source Robotic Prosthetic Hand can Execute 144 Different Grasps & Costs Under $200

March 18, 2015 | 3ders ( article:
Greek OpenBionics unveils affordable, light-weight 3D printed bionic hands with 144 grasp movements